Support Room

A busy first half term ๐Ÿ“– ๐Ÿ’ป โœ๏ธ ๐Ÿงฎ

Evan hard at work in Mr Fleming’s room! โœ๏ธ

Ben and Amy working on a Pancake Tuesday themed crossword. ๐Ÿฅž


Spring is here! ๐Ÿ‘ ๐ŸŒท

Exploring Spring through our senses.

Busy at work in the Support Classroom.

Making Connections:

1st and 2nd class enjoyed making connections while reading some lovely fishy stories! Tiddler the Story Telling Fish, Sharing a Shell and The Rainbow Fish.


Easter Work:

5th & 6th Building Bridges-Wonder:


Valentineโ€™s Day Love!


Christmas Group art Display:


The Family:


Shape Poems:

Calligram shape poems where the shape and the design shows itโ€™s meaning.


The Town:

Around the town and our local towns is our Oral language topic until midterm.

Autumn Art:

Some beautiful Autumn art completed in Ms. Grogan’s room. Eloise Renouf inspired patterned leaves, scarecrows and hedgehogs.


Building Bridges – Questioning – Silly Billy:

After asking questions about Silly Billy and predicting the things he might worry about, first and second class made their own worry dolls.



Visualisation work:

Visualising the Marrog from Mars after determining important description words when reading poem.


April/May 2021:

Working on houses and homes as our Oral Language topic these weeks.


Determining Importance:

Pamphlets, drafted, edited and published after studying the hummingbird.


March 2021:

We’ve been busy learning about clothes, describing them, categorising them; dressing ourselves and completing art and matching activities. We also enjoyed talking about George’s clothes in The Smartest Giant in Town.