Maths Week 2023

Maths Week 2023

13th- 21st October

The children had a brilliant time celebrating Maths Week with a wide range of fun activities. From solving maths puzzles to tackling real-world problem-solving challenges it was a week filled with excitement and learning.



Strokestown Park House & National Famine Museum


On 22nd September students and teachers visited Strokestown Park House and National Famine museum.

We were first given a guided tour of the 18th century Georgian mansion. Stepping into the past, we wandered through the elegantly furnished rooms, each echoing stories of the Mahon family that once resided here.

Following the house tour, we moved to the National Famine Museum. The exhibits, offered us a glimpse into the harrowing times of the Great Famine and the harsh realities faced by the Irish population during those dark years.

More photos of our trip can be see in the Gallery section of our website.