Art Buddies

We did Art Buddies for the month of December. On the first week we made snowmen on a A4 sheet of black card we used buttons for the mouth. On the second week we made reindeer and Christmas trees out of lollipop sticks when we finished them we put them on the Christmas tree. This week we made snowmen with earmuffs we made the earmuffs out of pipe cleaners. This was the last week of art buddies.

by Martin

Christmas Wreaths and Logs

Yesterday we made our Christmas logs and wreaths. First of all we made our  logs. We brought in the logs with the holes already drilled and then we put in some staples or drilled some smaller holes to put in decorations.When we finished our logs we started our Wreaths. We had metal hangers and we bent them into circular shape.s We then wrapped ribbons, tinsel and some holly or fake plants around our wreaths. Some people also sprayed snow spray or gold spray on their wreaths and logs. Everyone really liked their logs and wreaths and couldn’t wait to bring them home.

By Aoife


Our trip to the cinema

We went to the cinema on Friday the 13th of December. We traveled by a coach to a from to the cinema. The bus collected us at a quarter to 11. When we got there we ordered our popcorn and drink and every child got something. We went to see Klaus the movie. The movie lasted an hour and a half. Everyone enjoyed it and we arrived back to the school at half past one.

Le Heather



Junior room’s Christmas Performance

Yesterday, the Junior room Performed their Christmas show. They have been preparing through the month of December.  A few of the first and second class introduced a song. They sang Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney, The Turkey, Do You Want To Build a Snowman, The Snowball, In The Polar Regions, Twas The Night Before Christmas, and It Was on a Starry Night. The parents came in to watch, and everyone thought they were brilliant. Afterwards, the parents got tea and biscuits. Well done to all the Junior room on their brilliant Christmas performance.

By Kate

Fire Station Visit

On Friday last, the whole school went to the fire station in Elphin. When we arrived, we went into a room and we  were told a bit about the fire station, and how they work. Then we went out to the yard and the firemen showed us the fire jeep, and the equipment, and how the electric signs work on the top of it. We split up into two groups, one group tried out spraying the hose on to the wall, and the other group were shown how the fire brigade break the windows in the car to rescue the people that were trapped, and how they break up the cars as well. Then we took turns sitting in the fire engine, trying on the helmets and seeing the breathing equipment that they use when they go into a fire. Afterwards, when everyone had a go, we went back into the room, and they told us some more things about the rescues they do, and how many hours they work. Then we went back to school for the rest of the day. See the gallery section for the photos.

By Kate

Artist of the month

The artist of the month is Jan Van Os. He was born in Holland in 1744. He had two sons called Giorgius and Peiter who both grew up to become artists too. Jan Van Os died in 1808.  One of his famous paintings was called the Fruit and Flowers in a terracotta vase.

By Heather

Senior Room Science Project

Last week we started our science project where we were split into groups and we are making a car. We can make the car out of any materials and we are building it ourselves. We can bring in the material from home or use stuff from around the school. We have drawn out the plans for it already and we will start building it during the  week. When we are finished the cars we are going to paint and decorate them.

by Aoife

scor quiz

We entered two teams into the quiz. Team one was Heather ,Patrick, Hugh and Martin. Team two was Kate, Aoife, Jamie and Ryan. Team one came joint first with thirty out of thirty two right.

by Martin