First Holy Communion

Well done to our second class children, who made their First Holy Communion on Sunday last the 26th of May. Killian, Alannah, Leighton, Sean and Liam carried out their jobs very well and hopefully enjoyed their special day.

Sponsored Walk

On Friday we did a sponsored walk. The walk was sponsored by Down Syndrome Ireland. The walk was from Kilmore GAA pitch to our school. We raised €490:30 altogether for the charity.

By Coman

Bug Hotel

Bug Hotel

On Wednesday of Positivity Week both classes went outside to the back of the poloy tunnel and started to build the bug hotel. We used tiles, wood, pots, bricks and lots of other things. It took both classes an hour to build the Bug hotel and everyone enjoyed it. While the Big room were finishing the Bug hotel the little room were potting seeds in the poloy tunnel. Later on the big room made 4 bird feeders from water bottles.

By Darragh

Fitness Class

Fitness Class

During Positivity week we had a fitness class. The trainer’s names were Thelma and Pearce. The senior room and the junior did it. It was on Wednesday. We did punching exercises and lifting weights. We really enjoyed it.

Self Portraits and Board games

Self Portraits:

During positivity week we done lots of different activities. Some of these activities included a board game hour and drawing self-portraits. On Tuesday we all drew self-portraits of ourselves. One person from the senior room paired up with someone from the junior room. Then we traced out a sketch of our faces and then we either painted or coloured them. In the end they all turned out lovely.


Board Game Hour:

Also on Tuesday we brought in a board game to play. From 1-2 o clock both the junior and senior room classes played some board games. We also taught some of the junior room how to play a few different board games that they hadn’t heard of.

By Sarah

Internet Awareness Talk By Barnardos

On Thursday morning, as part of Positivity Week, a woman called Barbara from Bernardos came to the school to talk about internet awareness and cyberbullying. She told lots of information like you should not have obvious passwords like 123, you have to be 13 to own a social media account and if your being cyberbullied you should always tell an adult. Every one of us students in the senior room has learned something about internet safety from the presentation.

By Cormac

Talent Show

We did a talent show for Positivity Week. A lot of people participated. Most of the children in the school participated. With jokes, songs, music, played musical instruments and lots of other activates. It went on for an hour and a half.  It went very well and everybody enjoyed it. To see pictures have a look at the Gallery section

By Seán

Tag Rugby

Tag Rugby

On the Tuesday of Positivity Week we did a tag rugby lesson. Our trainer’s name was Colm and he was from Connaught rugby. We learned a lot and we did drills teaching us how to roll the ball back to the scrum half after being tackled. After the drills we were divided between the 5th and 6th classes and we played 2 mini matches.

By Darragh

Positivity Week

Positivity week will take place between Tuesday the 7th to Friday the 10th of May. At the start of each day we will do a morning run or exercises. On Tuesday a rugby coach will come to show us skills and tag rugby. On Tuesday we will also do joke of the day, odd socks day, art and board game hour. On Wednesday we will do a morning run or exercises, joke of the day, a school clean up, flower bed planting and bird feeder making\bug hotel. On Thursday we will do a Morning run or exercises, joke of the day, Internet safety, Exercise session and a talent show. On Friday we will do a morning run or exercises, healthy snack making, rice krispie buns and a sponsored walk.

By Seán