The Grinch

Last Friday we were in the cinema in Carrick we watched the Grinch.  The film was really good and everyone enjoyed it. The movie was 1 hour and 45 minutes long and was funny.

The movie was about a Grinch who did not like Christmas. He decided he would take all the children’s presents. He went through the town, from house to house. He had one more house left when he met a little girl called Sindi –Lou. She captured him and asked him to give her mom some help because she did all the work in the house. When the children woke up the presents were gone. The Grinch gave back the presents to the children in the end and the girl asked The Grinch to dinner.


by Caelan

The Cinema

On Friday the 14th of December we all went on a school trip to the cinema to see the Grinch. As soon as we got to the cinema we went inside and queued to get our food and drink. The movie started 10 minutes later and everyone enjoyed it.

The main character was a creature called the Grinch who detested Christmas. He hated it so much that he decided he would steal all the presents from the nearby town of Whoovile who loved Christmas. The Grinch and his funny dog Max went down to the town on Christmas Eve and stole all of the presents. The Grinch thought that by stealing all of the presents he would ruin Christmas but when a little girl invited him to Christmas he realised the true meaning of Christmas and returned all the presents. I would rate it 5 stars.

By Darragh

Carol Service 2018

On Wednesday the 19th of December we had our school Carol service. For the past two weeks we went to the church to practice. The Senior Room were the choir and the Junior Room acted out the Nativity. It took place at seven and it went on for about 30-40 minutes. Everyone sang and acted great and everyone was really pleased with themselves. After the Carol Service all the parents took pictures of their children.

By Sarah


Cinema Trip-The Grinch

We had a lovely time at the cinema to see the Grinch! See the reviews by Darragh and Caelan in seperate posts!