Maths Week

Maths Week took place from the 15th to the 19th of October. During Maths Week we took place many different activities such as the sweet jar, maths trail, problem solving and many more.

In the sweet jar there was 428 sweets and the person who guessed the closest amount got to bring the sweets home. Saoirse guessed the closest amount as she guessed 424. So she won the jar of sweets.

In the middle of Maths Week we had a maths trail. We were all split into groups of four and we had to look for things related to maths. We were outside and inside for this activity.

There was also lots of problem solving. There were picture ones and normal ones. We all had to make our own picture sums as well and then swap them with each other. Every ones picture sums were excellent.

Everyone had a great week and we all enjoyed it. All the pictures from Maths Week can be found in gallery.

By Sarah.