Book Fair

In the school this week we had a book fair where you can buy a book and bring it home. The parents of the younger children could by books at 2pm if they thought their child might lose their money! The book fair had three of every book in it and some even more. The sixth class was in charge of the money and writing down the names of the books in a notebook. Finally, we’d like to thank the parents for letting their child/children for buying books as the school gets 60 percent back in books for the school.

by Jack.

Historian Visit

On the 22nd of February a historian called Aidan Dockery came to our and told us all about the 1916 Rising and the Titanic. Aidan is an All-Ireland champion at recitation at Scór. He also has All Ireland medals for quiz time for Leitrim.  He told us the Titanic tickets cost £90,000 and he also told us a good way to remember how many signed the proclamation is 3Cs, 2Ds and 2Ps. I that he was very inspirational and I would love to see him again.

See some pictures in the gallery section.

By Arran.


Debate Number 4

On Monday 21st our school had a debate against Clooncagh NS. Roisin, Sarah and Deirdre did very well and the motion was “Ireland should leave the EU”. Both school showed their sides with great confidence and the score was tight. After some time the winners were Aughrim and the adjudicators said “that it was hard to pick the winner.” Well done!

By Grace


World Book Day 2017

World book day was on Thursday 2nd of March. We talked about our books and went around the school doing so. We brought in our favourite books. The book I brought in was Bond Cars and Vehicles. Take a look at pictures of our World Book Day fun in the Gallery Section!

by David