First Holy Communion


Congratulations to Kate, Heather, Aoife and Martin who received their First Holy Communion on Sunday 29th of May. The children performed their readings, singing and offertory jobs excellently. We hope they enjoyed their special occasion and the celebrations with their families and friends.



The Food Dudes

The Food Dudes recently came to our school to launch their 16-day healthy eating programme with the children. The Food Dudes are a group devoted to encouraging children to eat fruit and vegetables more often than chocolate and sweets. There are four varieties of fruit and vegetables which are given to the children each day. The children must at least taste the food and they can receive a Food Dude prize. There are also a series of videos about the adventures of the Food Dudes and their enemy General Junk, which the children watch daily. The programme finished yesterday and soon someone from the Food Dudes will come into the school to see how the children got on and award them with their gold cert for eating fruit and vegetables. The children have done very well and have tasted all the foods they were given.

By Alicia (24.5.2016)