Summer Reading Bucket List

Summer Reading Bucket List

The summer holidays are a great time to catch up on reading and visiting the library, especially considering the temperamental nature of our weather. Here is a great Summer Reading Bucket list to inspire your book choices. There are lots of great suggestions for reading in unusual places and a variety of different reading materials. If you use any of the suggestions over the summer we would love you to take a picture of you/you and your brothers/sisters reading and email it to the school email account ( so we can have an interesting photo gallery to admire come September. Happy reading.

Attendance Awards


Congratulations to Kate, Hugh and Emily who received certificates to acknowledge their excellent attendance at school this year. All three children missed just one day of school. Well done!

Sixth Class Lunch


As their final days in Aughrim N.S. come to a close, the sixth class pupils, Aoife, Lisa, Niall and Cian (also known as the hard working web team!) had their Graduation Lunch in school on Wednesday 24th of June. They were treated to pizza and chips in the staffroom and an Oreo and Chocolate cake for afters. Mr. Faughnan presented sixth class with their plaques and certificates to mark the completion of their time in Aughrim. We would like to wish Aoife, Lisa, Niall and Cian the very best as they move to secondary school and we hope they will all continue to do their best to work hard and to achieve their dreams, remembering their time in Aughrim N.S. fondly. Good Luck Sixth Class!!


Sports Day

Last Friday it was Sports Day. There were running races, sack races, Spud and spoon races, crab races, bum shuffling race and the dress up race. There were also other activities such as keepy uppy competition, skipping, relay, obstacle course and rounders. Everyone had a great day. There will be no medals for 1st 2nd and 3rd everyone will get a medal for taking part and playing fairly. Look in our gallery for pictures.

By Aoife, Alicia and Rachel.


In the tunnel we have harvested some scallions, cabbage and lettuce. These vegetables were sent home with the students. We also planted some beetroot to replace these vegetables. All the vegetables have grown very well. Here is a picture of what it looked like four months ago.

DSCF0297Here is what it looks like now.




By Aoife and Lisa (17.06.2015)

The New Junior Infants

The new Junior Infants came in to our school today to see what life will be like in primary school. There will be four new junior infants starting school in September. We look forward to welcoming them to Aughrim NS.

Niall (17.06.2015)

Visit the Library this Summer

This summer there is going to be a challenge for children in the libraries around Roscommon. This challenge is called the Summer Reading Buzz. This will take place through the months of June, July and August.

The children when they register for this challenge will receive a loyalty card and a little gift. With every book they read they will receive a stamp on a small card. Once they have read more than six books they will be given a small prize. When they read ten books they will be given other prizes.

When the children have completed the challenge and have their cards full with stamps, they will receive a certificate at the end of the summer. Registration cards will be available in local libraries from the middle of June.

By Lisa (18.06.2015)  🙂

summer readinbg buzz

Junior School Tour

Last week Junior and Senior Infants and 1st class went on their school tour to Glendeer Pet Farm. They meet a parrot called Rio, who could say hello. They were allowed see one day old chicks and even put them on their heads. There were other animals there such as goats, emus, rabbits, lamas, donkeys, puppies, pigs, hens, cows and guinea pigs. There was a playground, a maze and an obstacle course. There was also a cafe and a souvenir and sweet shop. They all had a good day out.

See the photos of their tour in the Gallery section of our website.

By Aoife, with the help of Kate in 1st Class! (17.06.2015)


School Tour 12th June 2015

Last Friday 12th of June classes from second to sixth went on our school tour. We went to Lough Allen Adventure Centre. We left the school at nine in the morning. When we reached Lough Allen Adventure they split us up into two groups. Group one went out on the lake first. They did paddle boarding and canoeing.

While group one were doing their water activities, group two were doing land activities. First they did archery. The archery was great fun. We had a competition and the winners got to pick the punishment for the losing team! After that we did more land activities. At around twelve o’clock we had our lunch. After lunch the two groups swapped activities.

When we finished all the activities we went to the shop and then went back to the school. It was around five when we reached the school. We had a great school tour.

By Niall

On the 12th of June, 2nd class to 6th class went to Lough Allen adventure centre in Drumshambo. When we got there we were split up into two groups. One group went paddle boarding and Kayaking while the other group did archery and we had to rescue this guy called Bob from a treasure island inside a volcano. At twelve o’clock we ate our lunch and we switched over with the other group and had lots of fun.

On our way back to school we stopped in Leitrim village to buy some sweets. We had an amazing school tour.

By Cian


See our tour photos in the Gallery Section.
