Gardening Tunnel

Recently, we got a gardening tunnel for our school. It’s basically a shelter for vegetables that we are going to plant. The Senior room did some work digging ridges and making paths to walk through. We planted a few onions as well. It was hard work and we will be working in it every second week.  I like working in the tunnel.

by Cian 26.03.2015

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School Book Fair

The School Book Fair came to our school over the week of 23rd of February. Sixth class were in charge of the money and selling the books. Sixth class sold the books at 12:30 and 14:00. We sold a lot of books and some of the popular choices were Mindcraft, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Shaun the Sheep. It was great to buy any book you liked. Lots of book were sold and lots of money was raised. All the children enjoyed the book fair and are looking forward for it to it to come next year. We would like to thank all the parents who supported our book fair. We earned €343 worth of books for the school.

By Niall 26.03.2015

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Book Fair